For the past 40 years, I have documented predecessors and contemporaries via oral history interviews aided by digital recordings.
This web page is an attempt to complement those oral history interviews with digital imagery.
Many of the archival photos below would be simply unrecoverable in the event of (yet another) hard-drive failure.
Any seeming “artiness” in the Photo Experiments section is simply trial and error. In the early 1980s, I lugged around a fully manual and very heave 4×5 Omega view camera and tripod. It was like learning how to drive on a manual transmission. In the early 1990s, I traveled with a semi-automatic Pentax 35mm. In 2019, I bought a Canon Rebel T5 DSLR. Am very slowly transitioning from film to digital, and trying to improve in technical areas such as:
1. Location;
2. Lighting;
3. Lenses/focal length;
4. Exposure Modes;
5. Aperture;
6. Shutter Speed;
7. ISO;
8. Metering;
9. White Balance; and
10. Software (Adobe Lightroom) and accessories.
Areas of Concentration include: